Painting Conservation

Conservation and future plans

A technical studies research project is being developed to study the material aspects of South African paintings in the Permanent Collection. The materials and technique used by artists are a constant source of interest. Through their study it is possible to learn about the significance of the choice of materials and how these are used in bringing particular qualities to works of art. The study will also explore how concepts are translated into substance, and how invention becomes design. This research is possible due to the recent acquisition of new equipment at Iziko SANG, including an exceptional stereomicroscope, ultra-violet lights and infra-red camera.

University of Cape Town    Centre for Curating the Archive

Micrograph of Pierneef; photo: Angela Zehnder, Iziko Museums of South Africa
Room 7, floor plan, Iziko Museums of South Afric
Conservation and Exhibitions
Honours in Curatorship

Coservation Week 2016
2016 Professor Ellen Pearlstein
2015 Sanchita Balachandran
Future plans
Visit Abe Bailey Conservation

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